TAB Reports

The testing, adjusting and balancing (TAB) test reports are considered essential to the HVAC system designers and installers to better enable them to evaluate the results of their design, the performance of the equipment and installation techniques under actual operating conditions. It is well known that no HVAC system installation is “perfect” and therefore does not require TAB work. However, with good engineering practices, realistic equipment performance ratings and good workmanship in the system installation, adequate results can be obtained to satisfy a given set of design conditions within a reasonable set of limitations.

Testing, adjusting and balancing of an HVAC system also is the means used to determine and monitor system performance and may be utilized again and again well after the project is completed.


Testing, adjusting and balancing reports also can be used:

·         To assist personal responsible for the efficient operation of the HVAC system.

·         As a record of existing conditions.

·         To compare periodic tests to original conditions for determining system deterioration or   reduced efficiency, if a problem exists.

·         To determine field conditions when modifications or changes have been made to the HVAC   systems.

·         In energy conservation programs as existing conditions for base energy level calculations.

·         For procedures and reports that can be used to verify energy conservation results.

·         For comparison of design versus actual field performance.